2024 Week 10 Term 2
Dear Parents
As Term 2 draws to a close, I wish to thank you for your support for our children and our school staff. Over the past ten weeks we have had opportunities to gather as a faith and learning community, to acknowledge special celebrations including; Reconciliation and Eucharist, Athletics Carnival, Rewards Day, Mother's Day, NAIDOC Day and many other school happenings. This Term, I have also had the wonderful opportunity to meet with children and families of our Kindergarten 2024 cohort.
With this in mind, I wish all our students and their families a safe and restful break and look forward to welcoming everyone to Term 3 on Tuesday 23 July 2024.(Monday 22 July 2023 is a Pupil Free day). In any school, its effectiveness is reflected in the quality partnerships which exist between school and home. I thank all those who supported their child in their learning, making sure that children arrive at school ready to learn, placing emphasis on the importance of attendance, speaking encouragingly to your child about their teachers and supporting the school when your child's behaviours for learning miss the mark.
In this way the school is in the best position to ensure student growth both in behaviour and learning. The support of families in so many aspects of school life is valued and appreciated, but your support for the work of our teachers and staff is by far the greatest contribution you can make to your child's learning and the overall effectiveness of the school.
May you all have a lovely break and fingers crossed we see some good weather during this time.
Many Thanks
Acting Principal
Nigel Toole
School Attendance - It's Now More Important Than Ever!
It is more important than ever that every child's attendance at school is maximised. The following tips are key reminders to help support regular attendance at school.
1. Send your child to school every day unless they are sick.
2. Developing good sleep and morning routines are critical to learning opportunities.
3. Schedule appointments outside of school hours.
4. Avoid taking holidays during the school Term.
If a child is away from school for a period of 3 consecutive days without an explanation to the school for the absence. The school will be required to send a formal letter to the parents, requesting a meeting to begin an attendance plan. These regulatory processes are now required by Government in reducing the unnecessary lack of attendance of some children within schools.
Any unpaid Term 1 and Term 2 fees are now overdue. Please attend to any overdue school fees as a matter of priority.
Direct Debits will continue to be processed and active during the July school holidays. Please ensure funds are available for collection.
Thank you to families who have already paid their fees or have payment plans working towards full payment by the end of the school year. The Catholic Schools Office continue to contact families who are behind with payment of School Fee.
Baby News
Stage 1 Staffing Update
Mrs. Petrina Lewis is still unwell and, unfortunately, will remain on leave for the first 5 weeks of Term 3. We understand the complications this may cause and have made every effort to minimise changes in teaching personnel during this period.
In Ms. Petrina's absence, we are pleased to inform you that Mrs. Kathryn Forster will be teaching the class from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays, Mrs. Kassandra Burley will be taking over the teaching duties from May 27.
We are confident that Mrs. Forster and Mrs. Burley will continue to deliver a high standard of education for your children. Our priority is to ensure that the learning experience remains consistent and of high quality despite the changes.
Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. We appreciate your cooperation and wish Mrs. Lewis a speedy recovery.
The NSW Government is reforming the curriculum to streamline and strengthen what is taught in every classroom in NSW, ensuring every student is prepared and ready for their future. The curriculum reform has been formed by consultation with teachers, parents and education experts, and is underpinned by extensive research. Curriculum reform involves changing teaching, learning, assessment and reporting to parents.
The release of the new syllabuses provides the opportunity to revise aspects of the Student Report to align with current research.
“Parents want to know what was taught and how well their child has learnt it, as well as where improvement is needed……. (NESA, 2023)”
For further information about the new K-6 English syllabus click here.
For further information about the new K-6 Mathematics syllabus click here.
For what your child’s report will look like and what the new components mean please follow the LINK. Understanding the K-6 Student Report Information for Parents
Reports are now available for parents, via Compass.
Whole School Rewards Day

How to clean dirty water? Stage 1 Project

Eucharist Mass - Sunday 30 June

Touch Football Clinic

Year 2 Acrostic Poems

Youth Ministry Retreat

eSport Winners

Stage 3 Drama Workshop

Mark your calendar - School Photos - Tuesday 8 April 2025
No more Nuts
Please review the new awareness for Allergy and Nut Aware School